
I would love to come speak to your group about one of the following topics:

Faith of the Founding Fathers
In this talk, using their own words, learn what the Founding Fathers believed was the proper role of religion and government, the consequences of moving away from a religious foundation, and how it can be restored.
Download a copy of the PowerPoint:

Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers.pptx
2.6 MiB

God and the Constitution
Are there Christian influences in the Constitution?  If so what are they?  Learn where the Founding Father’s got their inspiration for this historic document and its relationship with God.
Download a copy of the PowerPoint:

God And Constitution
God And Constitution
God and Constitution.ppt
1.5 MiB

Basic Economic Principals
In this down to Earth talk, learn about basic economic and monetary principals.  Learn why there will always be waste and abuse in government, how wealth is created, and the effect taxes have on your freedoms.

Schedule one of these or any other topic of interest to you.


This is a chance to get to know your Representative and learn what really goes on in state government.  With this program you will attend a committee meeting with me.  After the meeting we’ll join a tour of the State Capitol Building.  When the official tour is over, we will visit some places not on the tour and perhaps get to meet some of our Constitutional Officers (Sec. of State, Treasurer, ect.).  Circumstance permitting I will treat for lunch.

This program is aimed at youth and young adults, and is a great opportunity for families.

There is no cost for any of these programs.

For more information or to participate please contact me at: gro.esuohsasnakranull@skeem.nehpets

Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers.pptx
2.6 MiB
God And Constitution
God And Constitution
God and Constitution.ppt
1.5 MiB